How To Set Your Dietary Preferences

Customize your meal plan

Customizing your Meal Plan is probably the most important thing you can do to ensure that the recipes that Real Plans has available for you will meet your needs. You can customize your dietary preferences quickly and easily.


To customize your dietary preferences:

  • Click the gear icon in the upper right corner of the website (this is where you access your Settings).
    • This opens the Diet and Schedule page where you can specify dietary preferences.
    • Note: You can select dietary preferences for all meal planning styles except for the Whole30 Template style. 

Select your diet type

  • Select your preferred Diet Type from the dropdown box.
    • While you can only select one diet type at a time, you can personalize that diet type by excluding individual ingredients and/or entire food groups using the personalize dietary preferences feature, as detailed below 
    • Click here for explanations of our Diet Types.

Personalize dietary preferences

If you have food allergies or choose not to eat certain foods in addition to the preset exclusions you can personalize your dietary preferences:

  • Click on Personalize dietary preferences
  • To exclude an entire food group
    • Highlight each food group you want to exclude
    • Click on the arrow to move those food groups to the Excluded list
  • To exclude an individual ingredient
    • Enter the food you wish to avoid in the box under Find Ingredients to Exclude
    • Click Find Variants 
    • Select the specific ingredients you want to exclude
    • Click on the arrow to move those ingredients to the Excluded list.
  • Click View Plan at the bottom of the Diet and Schedule page to apply your changes.

Note: Keep in mind that excluding foods limits the number of recipes available for the meal planner.


If you need assistance, please send us an email at support(at)

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