How to Add a Recipe to Your Simple Meal Plan (Mobile)

If you are using the app, you will follow the steps below.  If you are using the website, click here.

Add a recipe to your simple meal plan

  • If you are creating a new simple meal plan, click Search recipes to access the recipe box
  • Otherwise, click on the magnifying glass on the bottom of the screen


  • Select a recipe you would like to add using one of the following methods, and then click the + on the recipe image to select it
    • Pro tip: To add the recipe to your plan, click on the + in the recipe image.  To view the recipe ingredients and instructions, click on the name of the recipe.
    • Browse recipes by scrolling through the suggestions
    • Click Find recipe/ingredient if you want to search by recipe name or other search term
    • In the Find recipe box, you can also search by filters by clicking on the filter icon in the right side of the box and selecting the applicable filters. Select See recipes at the bottom once you have set all of the filters
    • Note: The Recipe Box will show you recipes that meet your dietary restrictions by default. To view all recipes, even those that do not meet your current dietary restrictions, toggle Show recipes within my diet to off (white)


  • Optional: Select a side dish from the options at the bottom of the screen by clicking the + on the recipe image


  • Click Add recipe to plan to add it to your simple meal plan (the entree and any side dishes you have selected)

Add enough servings for leftovers

Once you click Add recipe to plan, you will be asked if you would like to add leftover portions for those recipes.

  • Select Add leftovers if you would like the meal planner to add additional servings to the recipe card(s) for leftovers
    • The number of leftover portions selected will automatically be adjusted in the meal plan, so you don't have to add extra portions manually
    • The default number of servings is used for leftovers, so be sure to change this number using the +/- if you need to
  • Select No thanks if you do not want to add any leftover portions to the meal plan
  • Select Never show me leftovers if you would like to never see this pop up window again


If you need assistance, please send us an email at support(at)

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