You can view all of the previous simple meal plans that you created in one place. You can then decide if you would like to select a previous plan or create a new one.
If you are using the mobile app, you will follow the steps below. If you are using the website, please click here.
View all simple meal plans
There are two ways to view all of the Simple Meal Plans that you have created:
- Click on the arrow next to the words Meal Plan at the top of the screen
- Or click the three bars on the upper right side of the screen
- Select View all meal plans
- These actions will open a new screen with all of your available simple meal plans
- Meal plans appear in the order in which they were created
- Click the arrow to select a meal plan
- If you don't see a plan you want to use, click Create a new meal plan at the bottom of your screen, to create a new one
- Note: Meal Plans that were created in calendar meal planning are not available in this section. Only meal plans that were created in simple meal planning are listed here.
If you need assistance, please send us an email at support(at)