When you are using one of our calendar meal planning styles, the Timeline is a helpful tool that tells you what you need to do and when you need to do it to get your delicious, wholesome meals on the table. It is populated by instructions that are included in the recipe cards.
Locate current timeline instructions
You can modify Timeline instructions for a recipe to suit your specific needs, such as thawing something the night before instead of the morning of, for example. You can also create Timeline instructions on the recipes you import.
- Review Timeline instructions on the bottom of the recipe card
- These will only be visible when a timeline step has been created for that recipe
- Some timeline steps, such as defrosting meat, are built into the meal planner and will not appear at the bottom of the card
- The number (2) in the example below will result in an item on your timeline that reminds you to start this recipe 12 hours before the meal time for which it will be served
Modify timeline instructions
You can change the current timeline notification or create one of your own to personalize the timeline.
- Open the recipe card
- Click Actions
- Click Modify
- Locate the Timeline instructions at the bottom right of the recipe card
- Enter the text for the desired Timeline instruction you would like included
- Use the arrows to determine when you would like the instruction to appear in your Timeline
- The Timeline divides each day into 4 segments
- The 4 segments equate to Morning, Afternoon, Evening, and Night
- One segment equates to a 6-hour period, so if the segment selected is 2, that would mean the timeline step will be approximately 12 hours before your scheduled meal time
- Click the + to create the timeline step
- Click Save on the recipe card to save your changes
Example: You have a salad that you will be making for lunch, but you'd like to remember to chop the veggies the day before. Enter "Chop veggies for salad," and select 2 segments (12 hours) for the Timeline to schedule that as an instruction the night before. Those instructions will now appear in your Timeline the day before that meal will be served.
Pro tips:
- Timeline instructions can be set for up to 3 days (12 segments) ahead of the meal you have planned
- Changes made to Timeline instructions will change them permanently
- Consider using notes on the meal planner for one-time reminders
- To view the Timeline instructions for one day or for specific recipes, open the Timeline and click on the recipe(s) for which you want to see the Timeline instructions
- To learn how to enable Timeline notifications on your mobile device, click here
If you need assistance, please send us an email at support(at)realplans.com.