View Macro Tracker
You can view macro tracker in the calendar meal planning styles on the website only. It is not available in calendar-free meal planning or in the mobile app. Macro Tracker is not available with the Whole30 diet settings.
- Click Planner in the upper left corner
- Click the drop down arrow on the right side of the screen and select View Macro Tracker to view today's log
- Use the left and right arrows to navigate to other days you wish to view
- Click Switch to Percentages to show the macros in percentages instead of grams
Update Macro Tracker to Reflect Your Day
- Click on a recipe to remove it from your tracker or to change the number of servings
- Change the number of servings or the unit of measure to reflect your actual meal
- Change the macro numbers, if you did not eat the recipe as written*
- Click Update to save those changes
- If you did not eat this recipe today, click Remove to remove it from your Daily Tracker
*For help adjusting macro amounts to reflect omitting an ingredient in a recipe or adding more than the recipe calls for, you can use the USDA website to look up the specific ingredients.
Add an Ingredient or Recipe that was not on your Plan
To add foods that were not scheduled on your meal planner
- Click the dropdown and select Recipe or Ingredient
- Type the recipe or ingredient name
- Select the desired item from the list*
- Enter the quantity eaten, unit of measure, and select which meal
- Click Add
*If the ingredient that you added is not in the Real Plans database, you will need to enter the information in the window that opens so that the ingredient can be included in your Macro Tracker.
View the Weekly Summary
To view a weekly summary of your macros:
- Click on Summary in the menu on the left side of the screen
- Values in green mean that you were below or met your goal
- Values in red mean that the goal macros were exceeded
Set your Goals
To set macro goals:
- Click Goals in the menu on the left side of the screen
- Enter your goals manually or use our Macro Calculator to have the system generate the goals for you
Create Profiles in Macro Tracker
To create profiles for each family member:
- Click on Change Profile in the upper right corner of the Macro Tracker
- Select Add New to add a new profile
- Type the name of the new profile in the box
- Click Change
- To remove a profile:
- Click Edit Profiles
- Select the profile you wish to remove
How to Disable Macro Tracker Functions
- Click the gear icon in the upper right corner of the website (this is where you access your Settings)
- Click on My Meal Plan
- Click on Advanced Settings
- Please note that this does not remove Macro Tracker from your account, it only temporarily disables the functions until you are ready to use it again.
If you need assistance, please send us an email at support(at)