How to Change Your Meal Planning Style

We offer several options for meal planning to fit your lifestyle.

Available options include:

  • Automated Plan - Select recipes for me based on my dietary preferences and how often I want to cook.
  • Calendar-Free Plan - I’ll select the recipes without a calendar based on my dietary preferences.
  • Blank Calendar Plan - I’ll select the recipes using a calendar based on my dietary preferences.
  • Whole30 Template (Available with the Whole30 add-on only.) Plan 3 meals a day for me for 30 days based on the standard Whole30 diet.
  • Macro-Driven Plan (Available with the Macro Tracker add-on only. Not compatible with the Whole30 diet type.) - Select recipes for me based on my daily macros and dietary preferences.


To switch between meal planning styles:

  • Go to Settings (the icon that looks like a gear)
  • Select Change Meal Planning Style
  • Click Select for the style you would like to use for your meal planning
  • Make changes to personalize your schedule and dietary preferences, if needed. 
  • Click Deploy Meal Plan or View Meal Plan
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